Tag Archives: peninsula state park

Galen’s first trip to Door County

27 Jun

Allow me to interrupt our regular broadcast for something a little different. It just so happened, that Alicia and I shared our day off this week. Usually it doesn’t work out that way, but since we both had the middle of the week free, we decided on an impromptu trip up to Fish Creek and Peninsula State Park seeing as we purchased a state park sticker recently anyway. Other than me forgetting a knife to cut the potatoes, plates, forks, and the butter, it was a pretty smooth day (=

We spent some time walking, getting ice cream,  running around in the bay, laughing at Riley eating plants and mostly just chilling out. In the midst of a tough financial time it’s nice to take a day to spend with your family and remember what’s really important. While we are dealing with issues as everyone is, we are amazingly blessed and I am so grateful for this wonderful dorky family of mine!


Aww man, I look like a dork. Seriously, where’s my hair going, and why is it in such a hurry?



















Thanks for looking (=